Thursday, May 18, 2006

Charicature night

A few months ago, a friend of mine lent us Battlestar Gallactica. CRAZY GOOD SHOW. And feeling a little sketchy, I pulled out my book and did some charicatures of the President and that crazy Asian girl, lol. Later we watched the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. And that last light one in pen was my storyboarding teacher. Wee.


Sub said...

hello~~~ how is your summer going halya? thanks for leaving a comment to my blog! you posted a lot of nice drawing. i just got started mine...i will post more stuff later
anyway i guess you're staying in oakville too? i'll see you around~~

Sarah said...

Heya Halya!
I love these sketches, especially the Jon Steward one! You have really lively lines! Nice nice nice!

alain huynh said...

hey halya, i remmeber you, you sat around dave ,sub, phil and steve's desk, some good stuff here, and to reply back to your question, yes, i made a portfolio so i can look for a intership. c ya around, keep drawing