Monday, January 21, 2008

animation angst

Animation angst - the act of which an animator is de-motivated, so to speak, and feels like all the work they produce has the talent equivalent of a sandwich. Now the real question is, a tuna sandwich or a chicken sandwich...?


Cookedart said...

Chicken sandwiches taste better.

Juan de Santiago said...

I'll vote for tuna sandwich :P

I hope you don't mean this stuff, because you're very talented! :)

Halya said...

Haha, not really, I just liked the term. I think I'll get the chicken....mmmm....

Juan de Santiago said...

Tuna's better though :P

Halya said...

I think this is a debate for the ages...

Amanda said...

Awww...that's a sucky feeling.
I hope you successfully get out of that rut 8)